Season 2021
Since the beginning of 2021, new product registration is valid for
BASKUS®, a novel natural soil amendment, which provides assistance in the cultivation of vegetables and potatoes, especially in the presence of bacterial infections.
Season 2020
Bacteria are newly delivered in
small packs in powder form as well. This dry product is particularly suitable for gardeners and is distributed in cooperation with
AgroBio Opava.
Season 2019
During the days 21. - 23. October 2019, MONAS technology participated in the international conference "Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting" in Basel, Switzerland.
Season 2018
Season 2017
We have extended the registration of our products for the Slovak Republic in cooperation with
BELBA PLUS, s.r.o.
We'we responded to the requests of many, and made the use of the
Prometheus ammendment possible also in the
sunflower stands.
Season 2016
Till the season 2016, we have prepared a new amendment tailored to increase the yields of maize -
In 2016, we have prepared a special reward for our customers in the form of vouchers for various leisure activities, or 10 liters of our amendments for free.
Season 2015

We offer a free service of crops disease determination to all customers who have signed a contract for the year 2015.

Article in the on-line journal Gate2Biotech:
Microorganisms stimulating oilseed rape (czech only)